Over the past few days we’ve been working on technique, new tunes and preparing for the recital.
Category Archives: News
Flash Mob
After three days of working together the All Stars performed in Napier at lunch time today. They played Amazing Grace and then some 2/4 marches before heading off for lunch. Its good to be working with such a bunch of keen and capable young people. Thanks also to the senior members who put in a lot of time and effort to helping our learners and youngsters
Band Workshop
In October we’re holding our second workshop and look forward to providing some individual and group tuition for our members. On Thursday 6 Oct we’ll be playing in central Napier during lunchtime to give everyone a chance to put their skills to good use and to entertain the public, while the recital on Sunday 9th will be another chance for the pipers and drummers to perform.
Band photos
Blossom Parade Preparation
In preparation for the 2016 Blossom Parade we have started practising our tunes at the tempo we’ll play on the day. There will be a dress rehearsal on Sunday 4 September at 2pm at the band rooms:
– it is a dress rehearsal so wear your uniforms – we’ll be checking that everyone is properly kitted out
– wear your uniform as we will be getting a band photo done
– even if you can’t be at the Blossom Parade please be at the dress rehearsal so you can be in the band photo!
Please see Don before then if there is anything you need sorted with your uniform.
NPB All Stars
The Band’s All Stars were involved in a holiday workshop in July and then all members performed at a Recital held on Sunday 24th at the Tamatea Community Church.
The workshops gave them a chance to work together as a group and to get some one-on-one tuition from our experienced tutors.
The Recital featured all of them playing a number of items
National Brass Band Contest
Recent parades/events
The Foundation Youth Pipe Band of New Zealand
NZ’s Youth Pipe Band will be having a weekend training camp in Napier on the 16th and 17th April, 2016. As is becoming a tradition, the band members will arrive in Napier on the Thursday afternoon/evening and on Friday will visit several local schools, giving them a 20 – 30 minute concert. Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday morning are utilised for rehearsals which will be at our band rooms at Nelson Park.
The band has a video showing their visit to the Remarkables School during their Great Southern Tour last year. It shows the children of that school ‘Having a go’ at piping and the three types of drums.
The Youth Band comprises talented youngsters from throughout NZ who come together on a regular basis. In recent years they’ve been to Australia and Canada and this year will be returning to Australia in October to compete in the Australian PB championships. In 2018 they will again be travelling to Canada and the USA.
We’re excited by the visit of the these ambassadors for pipe bands as it gives us an opportunity to promote pipe banding to the local populace and with the youth pipe bands teenagers not much older than the children at the schools that are visited, will hopefully encourage new learners to get involved in piping and drumming.
Everyone is welcome to call into Nelson Park while the Youth Band is practising. There’s a special welcome for Saturday evening when we’ll be joining them for a meal and their relaxation time.
Updates 7 8 and 9
It has been good to see everyone at recent practices. We are covering a number of aspects of our playing including the tempos we are likely to need for upcoming Anzac Day and Navy Charter parades and will in the near future be revising a number of tunes including The Battle of the Somme.
Thursday night we are meeting at the Haumoana Hall at 6.30 to play for the community’s St Patrick’s Day celebrations. Dress uniform to be worn.
There will be no practice on Easter Monday (28th) but don’t forget that later in that week there are the EIT Graduation Parades on Thursday (31st) and Friday (1st).
I mentioned that in April (15/16) the RNZPBA’s Foundation Youth Band will be in Napier for their practice, staying at Kennedy Park, visiting local schools and using our band rooms for practices. Everyone is invited to come along to the practices and there will be a social event on the Saturday evening to which we are invited.