Category Archives: News

Harry Renfree 1937-2020

Our Patron, Harry Renfree, died on 26 December.  He was a long time supporter of the Band, became our President in 2007, and after many years in that role he retired to take up the position of Patron.  His presence at band practices and our parades was always welcome.  He organised our flag bearers and compered many of our concerts.  Harry was always a gentleman and gave great support to all our members, young and old.  Thank you Harry for all that you did for the Band.

Harry Harry1 Harry2 Harry3


A Touch of Tartan Concert Nov2020

We’re expecting our supporters and others to enjoy our last concert for the year, A Touch of Tartan Concert. This is being staged at the Taradale & District RSA on Sunday 22 November. Starting at 6.30pm the programme features many of the old favourites as well as some new music prepared during the recent lockdowns. Our new young members will also be taking part. No entry fee but a gold coin donation would be appreciated.
Concert Poster Nov2020

Robin Sudfeldt

On Monday we will be paying our last respects to long time member of our band and others, Robin Sudfeldt.

Robin started his career in pipe bands in 1950 at the tender age of 8yrs. He joined up with the Hawke’s Bay Scottish Pipe Band and started having lessons with Gordon McArthur. After a year he shifted away with his parents and it was not until much later, 8yrs in fact, that he joined up with the Pipes and Drums of the 1st Hawke’s Bay Regiment, he was now in the Territorial Army, under the guidance of the late Jack Seton. This lasted for 2-3yrs and he was on the move again to join up with the City of Rotorua as well as the Pipes and Drums of the 1st Hauraki Regiment. This didn’t last long and he was off to join the City of Upper Hutt Pipe Band where he stayed on for around 10yrs spending 8 of those as Drum Major. While in the Wellington area he also had a short stint with the City Of Wellington No 2 and the Pipe and Drums of Wellington City. From there it was back to the City of Hastings for a year, then Waipawa and Districts, but he soon found his way back to the City of Upper Hutt and also The Band of the 7th Battalion Royal NZ Infantry Regt. Then in 1991 he was on the move once again this time back to the Bay. Here he joined up with the City of Napier No 2 as Drum Major progressing through to become DM of the No l band. It was not long after that Robin was to follow his friends to the newly formed Drones & Sticks PB for a few years before once again moving, this time to Auckland where he played with the City of Manukau and other bands.

What we all remember is his great enjoyment of pipe bands, his friendly nature and his sense of humour. He was generous with his time and resources and had a lot of time for the youngsters in the band, making sure when we were away on trips that they were safe and looked after.

We will miss Robin.

2020 Blossom Parade

After a deferral because of Cobid-19 level changes the Combined Pipe Bands of Hawke’s Bay will now be parading on Saturday 3 October in the Hasting’s Blossom Parade. Here’s the list of tunes we’ll be playing:

  • Mhairi’s Wedding /Heyken’s Serenade
  • Teribus/Chorriechollies
  • Highland Laddie/Brown Haired Maiden/Barren Rocks
  • Green Hills/Battle’s O’er
  • Castle Dangerous/Land of My Youth
  • Scotland the Brave/Rowan Tree/Bonnie Galloway
  • 100 Pipers/Bonnie Dundee
  • Bathgate Highland Gathering/Heather Grant of Strathrye

The Band’s AGM

On Monday 6 July the Band held its AGM at the band rooms. Band officers for the coming year are
Patron: Harry Renfree
President: Julie Baxter
Secretary: Keith James
Treasurer: Kerry Marshall
Committee Members: Jason Kaan, Margaret Lumb, Richard Loan and Nick Scannell
Musical Directors: Richard Loan and Ken McLoughlin
Drum Sergeant: Alan Lawton
Custodian: Don Stuart

The awards for contribution to the band went to:
Waynne Valler, Neville Lumb, Penny Marshall and Amber Lumb-Peteli

We reflected on a year that has been different but we are all set to get back into what we do best, music and parading.

Band Gathering Protocols

As the Band prepares for the commencement of practices and meetings protocols for these gatherings have been established by the Committee. You can down load the full memo by clicking here.

It is expected that band practices, meetings and other gatherings will re-commence with the AGM on Monday 6 July with the following restrictions in place:

  • Physical distancing from each other must be maintained, 1 metre minimum.
  • Practices or meetings must be no longer than 2 hours.
  • A written record of attendees will be kept for contact tracing purposes (the Band’s QR code will be displayed).
  • any member displaying signs of being unwell will be turned away.
  • there will be no sharing of food or drinks before, during or after practice or meetings.
  • members will not pass around music or folders.

All band members will be expected to follow the hygiene and sanitation practices in line with Ministry of Health general cleaning information-covid-19:

  • cough or sneeze into your elbow or by covering your mouth and nose with tissues (put them in the bin or a bag immediately).
  • wash your hands with soap and water often (for at least 20 seconds).
  • don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.
  • stay home if you feel unwell.

Practice Monday 25 May

The plan for this week’s practice

Sharing our pipe band Experiences: This week Ken and Richard will speak about a tutor and/or a most memorable experience
Tunes we will revise this week:
The new tune The Children's Song
Click here for the music
Listen to the tune
Play the new 4/4 bracket Wings, The 1976 Police Tattoo and The Children's Song
The Hornpipe Swing of the Kilt p107
The 4/4 bracket Chief Mike Metcalf p142
RAF 100 p143
The Scotland the Brave Bracket Scotland the Brave p134
The Rowan Tree
Bonnie Galloway
This week's chocolate fish question: What annual event was inspired by a show performed in 1949 called 'Something About a Soldier'?
As there were no correct answers to last week's question I get the chocolate fish again
This week's bonus clip: Could you do this?
Recent tunes to be revised: On the music page

Practice Monday 18 May

The plan for this week’s practice

Sharing our pipe band Experiences: This week Graeme and Nick will speak about a tutor and/or a most memorable experience
Tunes we will revise this week:
The Irish Bracket Starting on p138:
The Leaving of Liverpool
Kelly the Boy from Killane
No Awa Tae Bide Awa
The Minstrel Boy
Will Ye No Come Back
The new 4/4's Wings & the 76 Police Tattoo
Listen to the two tunes
The new tune The Children's Song
Click here for the music
Listen to the tune
two slow airs Loch Rannoch p13
Scots Wha Hae p2
This week's chocolate fish question: Which group sang The Leaving of Liverpool in a previous bonus clip?
The winners of last week's question were Julie and Ken - as we're in lockdown I had to eat the chocolate fish prize before it went off sorry.
This week's bonus clip: Drum's 'n' Roses
Recent tunes to be revised: On the music page