Category Archives: Photos

Waipukurau Concert

The tune list for the Waipukurau concert on Sunday 23 June is:
Nurse Edith Cavell (youngsters); Flower of Scotland;
Scotland the Brave bracket;  Skye Boat, Maori Canoe Song;
Morag of Dunvegan; Swing of the Kilt;
Erin Shore; The Bells of Dunblane
The Dark Isle; Dawning of the Day, La Boum;
Hundred Pipers, Bonnie Dundee;
Setting the Course for Lewis (Music Group)
Highland Cathedral; Hector the Hero; Love Song for Deborah Ann
On The Road To Passchendaele
The Mists of Time; Amazing Grace

Ken and Neville checking out the venue

Armistice Day 2018

The Band played at the Clive service on Armistice Day. Pipers all around the world registered to take part in the “Sleep in Peace, now the Battle’s Over” event by playing Pipe Major Robb’s classic tune When the Battle’s O’er. We were pleased to be part of the rolling sound of this historic tune travelling across the globe through the various time zones. Our thanks to members of the Hawke’s Bay Caledonian PB who joined us.
npb-2018-11nov-clive-2 npb-2018-11nov-clive-1

2018 Rotorua Contest

Well, all the practice and work by these youngsters came to fruition over the weekend when they competed in the Juvenile section of the RNZPBA national contest held in Rotorua.

Setting up in 'Tent City'
Setting up in ‘Tent City’

Setting up in 'Tent City'
Setting up in ‘Tent City’

Tuning up in 'Tent City'
Tuning up in ‘Tent City’

Tuning up in 'Tent City'
Tuning up in ‘Tent City’

Checking out the grounds before the big event
Checking out the grounds before the big event

In the playing circle
In the playing circle

After the event photo time
After the event photo time

Street March time
Street March time
Enjoying ourselves
Enjoying ourselves
The march past and massed bands
The march past and massed bands

New Years Eve 2017

Once again the band was out and about on New Year’s Eve in what has become something of a tradition for our members.  The first parade at Kennedy Park is always popular with children following the band as march around the holiday park.  Our visits to the clubs are always an opportunity to pass the buckets around as this is one of our important fund raising activities for the year.  Its interesting to see the numbers in the clubs changing over the years and our collectors have commented that fewer people are carrying cash these days.

The finale on the parade with the crowd that gathers enjoying our music is something we look forward to.  Marching away with a big crowd behind us is always a great way to end the evening.

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