Spring Concert

Sunday 15 October
Salvation Army Citadel, Tait Drive, Greenmeadows

In the concert the band will present a variety of music, old and new, that is familiar to our audience. We will also incorporate a segment appropriate to the act of commemorating the sacrifices made by so many over the years and ensuring that they are not forgotten.

Being a Songwriter and knowing that there has never been a song written for the town of Taradale, Tracy Rudzevecuis has been creative and written the ‘Taradale Song’. It is based around the Taradale Town Clock in memory of our fallen local soldiers that went to war and never returned hence, says Tracy, giving them “a voice” from beyond the grave. This is Tracy’s ‘gift to our people and the township of Taradale’. The Band is pleased to be part of Tracy’s dream and will perform ‘Taradale Song’ in concert for the first time.

The Band has developed a musical arrangement ‘On the Road to Passchendaele’ that will feature in the concert. October 12, 2017 is the anniversary of the Passchendaele offensive in WW1. Ever since 1917, Passchendaele has been a byword for the horror of the Great War. In terms of lives lost in a single day, the failed attack on Bellevue Spur on 12 October was probably the greatest disaster in New Zealand’s history.

Tickets $10 for adults, children a gold coin please, the Band’s Associate members can purchase a discounted ticket $5.

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