Tag Archives: Concert

Music for coming events

With two significant events coming up here’s the music list for our members:

Summer in the Park 14 February

Combined bands

Scotland the Brave/Rowan Tree/Bonnie Galloway
Mhairi’s Wedding /Heyken’s Serenade
Bathgate Highland Gathering/Heather Grant of Strathrye
Highland Laddie/Brown Haired Maiden/Barren Rocks
Castle Dangerous/Land of My Youth
Flower of Scotland
Highland Cathedral
Amazing Grace

Napier Band items
Swing of the Kilt
Bells of Dunblane
Skye BS/Maori Canoe Song
The Dawning of the Day/La Boum
Chief Mike Metcalf/RAF 100
Morag of Dunvegan
Mists of Time
Hector the Hero
Loch Lomond/Blue Bells of Scotland/The Bonnie Lass O’ Fyvie O’
The Mermaid’s Song (solo piper plays 1st and 2nd parts, all play tunes with repeated parts)

Art Deco Concert 20 Feb

M’hairis Wedding/Heykin’s Serenade
Wings/76 Police/Children’s Song
Green Hills/Battle is O’er
Swing of the Kilt (drummer and piper play intro, all play the tune)
Bells of Dunblane (solo piper 1st part, all play 1stx2, 2ndx2)
Skye BS/Maori Canoe Song
Highland Cathedral (drummer and piper start playing 1st and 2nd part, all play 1st, 2nd, 1st))
Mists of Time (lament, two pipers play 1st part then all play 1st, 2nd, 1st)
Hector the Hero  (solo piper 1st part, all play 1st part once then second part repeated)
Flower of Scotland (solo piper, vocal, all play)
Amazing Grace (vocal, guitar, solo piper, all)
Music Group: Setting a Course for Lewis; Love Song for Deborah Anne

A Touch of Tartan Concert Nov2020

We’re expecting our supporters and others to enjoy our last concert for the year, A Touch of Tartan Concert. This is being staged at the Taradale & District RSA on Sunday 22 November. Starting at 6.30pm the programme features many of the old favourites as well as some new music prepared during the recent lockdowns. Our new young members will also be taking part. No entry fee but a gold coin donation would be appreciated.
Concert Poster Nov2020

Concert – Art Deco Feb 2020

Once again the Band is presenting its music in a concert at St Paul’s Church, Napier on the Saturday of Art Deco weekend.

For band members here is the list of music:
Chief Mike Metcalf, RAF 100
The Bells of Dunblane
Scotland the Brave, Rowan Tree, Bonnie Galloway
Mhari’s Wedding, Heyken’s Serenade
Hundred Pipers, Bonnie Dundee (drummers start)
Green Hills, When the Battle’s O’er
Highland Cathedral
Hector the Hero
The Mists of Time
Amazing Grace
Flower of Scotland

Waipukurau Concert

The tune list for the Waipukurau concert on Sunday 23 June is:
Nurse Edith Cavell (youngsters); Flower of Scotland;
Scotland the Brave bracket;  Skye Boat, Maori Canoe Song;
Morag of Dunvegan; Swing of the Kilt;
Erin Shore; The Bells of Dunblane
The Dark Isle; Dawning of the Day, La Boum;
Hundred Pipers, Bonnie Dundee;
Setting the Course for Lewis (Music Group)
Highland Cathedral; Hector the Hero; Love Song for Deborah Ann
On The Road To Passchendaele
The Mists of Time; Amazing Grace

Ken and Neville checking out the venue

The Spring Concert

A great afternoon’s entertainment was provided by the band and other artists.  Typical of the feedback is this email from a fan: “I really enjoyed the concert yesterday and especially the second half of the concert with the music selection and Tracy’s song honouring Taradale’s soldiers.  The pipes were amazing, very exciting to see the young musicians and can they pipe and drum!  Congratulations on a varied and inspiring concert.”

We appreciated the support of A Cappella Fellas, the social group from the City of Hastings PB, Napier Boys High School PB and of course our own All Stars.

2017-concert-1 2017-concert-2 2017-concert-3 2017-concert-4

Spring Concert

Sunday 15 October
Salvation Army Citadel, Tait Drive, Greenmeadows

In the concert the band will present a variety of music, old and new, that is familiar to our audience. We will also incorporate a segment appropriate to the act of commemorating the sacrifices made by so many over the years and ensuring that they are not forgotten.

Being a Songwriter and knowing that there has never been a song written for the town of Taradale, Tracy Rudzevecuis has been creative and written the ‘Taradale Song’. It is based around the Taradale Town Clock in memory of our fallen local soldiers that went to war and never returned hence, says Tracy, giving them “a voice” from beyond the grave. This is Tracy’s ‘gift to our people and the township of Taradale’. The Band is pleased to be part of Tracy’s dream and will perform ‘Taradale Song’ in concert for the first time.

The Band has developed a musical arrangement ‘On the Road to Passchendaele’ that will feature in the concert. October 12, 2017 is the anniversary of the Passchendaele offensive in WW1. Ever since 1917, Passchendaele has been a byword for the horror of the Great War. In terms of lives lost in a single day, the failed attack on Bellevue Spur on 12 October was probably the greatest disaster in New Zealand’s history.

Tickets $10 for adults, children a gold coin please, the Band’s Associate members can purchase a discounted ticket $5.

End of Year Event

Over many years our end of year event has been a very enjoyable occasion and we’ve had good but declining attendance by supporters. The ‘rules’ are being updated so that the evening becomes a more formal event. Band members will be organised into groups and it will then be up to the group to organise practices and to do their own arrangement of the tunes(s). Remember:
* everyone takes part;
* no solo performances;
* items must include pipes (except for one drums only item) and be musical, but can include other instruments;
* there will be a pre-approved programme;
* there will be no additions to the programme on the night ie no walk ups;
* no tune is to be repeated ie played in more than one item;
* there can be only one drums only (drum salute?) item.
Tunes not on the list such as Amazing Grace, Flower of Scotland and Highland Cathedral are reserved for the band to play. This will make the event a better showcase of our talents and the variety of music we can play, and a more enjoyable end of year event.

Update Number 2

First practice Jan 2016
First practice Jan 2016

It was good to get started again last night even if it was a bit hot.  Thanks Betty for organising supper.  We’ve been invited to Dave Nicholson’s on Saturday afternoon.  Two important dates for you to note on your calendar – Art Deco weekend (Sat and Sunday events this year) and our concert at the Sound Shell on Saturday 27 February – the opportunity to use the Sound Shell arose and so we will be playing at 12noon to entertain the public.  We’re hoping for a big audience as that’s the day of the Mission Concert.  Betty recently distributed the first Band Blurb of the year – Don W does a great job producing this but I know he’s always looking for articles to include so please share interesting items with him.

Update January 2016

Welcome back to the new year for the band.

Just confirming that due to EIT’s operational requirements we will be at the Band Rooms at Nelson Park for the next two weeks (Mon 1st and 8th Feb).

Two important dates for you to note on your calendar – Art Deco weekend (Sat and Sunday events this year) and our concert at the Sound Shell on Saturday 27 February – the opportunity to use the Sound Shell arose and so we will be playing at 12noon to entertain the public. We’re hoping for a big audience as that’s the day of the Mission Concert.

Don’t forget that you can get a list of upcoming parades and events on the calendar link on this website, meanwhile our first practice is on Monday 25 January at EIT.