Tag Archives: Napier Schools Band

2018 Rotorua Contest

Well, all the practice and work by these youngsters came to fruition over the weekend when they competed in the Juvenile section of the RNZPBA national contest held in Rotorua.

Setting up in 'Tent City'
Setting up in ‘Tent City’

Setting up in 'Tent City'
Setting up in ‘Tent City’

Tuning up in 'Tent City'
Tuning up in ‘Tent City’

Tuning up in 'Tent City'
Tuning up in ‘Tent City’

Checking out the grounds before the big event
Checking out the grounds before the big event

In the playing circle
In the playing circle

After the event photo time
After the event photo time

Street March time
Street March time
Enjoying ourselves
Enjoying ourselves
The march past and massed bands
The march past and massed bands

The Spring Concert

A great afternoon’s entertainment was provided by the band and other artists.  Typical of the feedback is this email from a fan: “I really enjoyed the concert yesterday and especially the second half of the concert with the music selection and Tracy’s song honouring Taradale’s soldiers.  The pipes were amazing, very exciting to see the young musicians and can they pipe and drum!  Congratulations on a varied and inspiring concert.”

We appreciated the support of A Cappella Fellas, the social group from the City of Hastings PB, Napier Boys High School PB and of course our own All Stars.

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