The following is a provisional list of the music for the Sports Park event on Saturday 17 Sept. The bands are playing at 11.50 so meet at 10.45.
- Scotland the Brave, The Rowan Tree, Bonnie Galloway (4/4)
- Highland Cathedral (drummer and solo piper plays parts 1&2, band plays 1,2 &1)
- Mhari’s Wedding, Heyken’s Serenade (2/4)
- The Green Hills of Tyrol, When the Battle’s O’er (3/4)
- Drummers
- Teribus, Chorriechollies Welcome (2/4)
- Flower of Scotland (solo piper plays once through, band plays tune twice)
- Highland Laddie, The Brown Haired Maiden, The Barren Rocks of Aden (2/4)
- Amazing Grace (solo piper plays once through, band plays tune twice)